Urban Drainage
Urban drainage systems are designed to manage the drainage of surface water within an urban environment. As urban areas grow in population over the years, permeable landscapes are replaced with hard surfaces such as concrete and asphalt. Increase in urbanization means areas with vegetation are replaced with roofed structures, which negatively impacts the area’s ability to absorb rainwater. Urban drainage systems aim to mimic natural drainage by transporting surface water runoffs through a collection of storage and cleaning before releasing it back into the environment.
Providing Your Land with Drainage Solutions
The need for surface water runoff drainage has become more apparent as urbanization continues to happen and construction takes place in rural areas. Loss of rural features means a decrease in the natural ability of the land to control surface runoff, which is what urban drainage systems are designed to make up for. With this concept, surface water runoff is drained directly into an underground piped drain. Our team can help make sure urban environments are equipped with proper drainage systems that will prevent stormwater from entering soiled surfaces.
Preserving Soil Properties with Urban Drainage
The objective behind urban drainage is to maintain soil media properties while discharging applications of CBM-produced water. Agricultural soils need ways to obtain drainage to prevent water logging from occurring within the ground. In order to preserve soil media’s agronomic properties and refrain from contamination, soils are sampled and evaluated specific to their site. After a proper soil survey, measures are taken to ensure that the nutrients in a soil don’t pose as a threat to the environment or to groundwater.
Helping Support Drainage within Soil
When choosing a soil media, it is important to consider characteristics that will support drainage and improve pollutant removal rates. The internal drainage of most agricultural soils can be quality enough to prevent excess water infiltration, but many soils will also require artificial drainage to improve their production and management of water supplies. Oftentimes, soil acts as a physicochemical and mechanical filter for contaminants, promoting vegetation health and viability.